
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Book Recommendation - 9 Steps to Financial Freedom

It's not a new book... in fact, it's a decade old.  But I saw it for $2.00 at Goodwill the other day , remembered how much I'd liked it way back when, and thought I'd buy it and give it another read.  It's full of good practical advice on everything from 401Ks to mortgages to life insurance, and she keeps it interesting with lots of personal stories from her clients.  But what I really love about Suze Orman isn't so much her nuts and bolts financial advice (which is of course helpful and sound) as it is the emphasis she gives to the spiritual aspect of money. 

I'm a highly spiritual person, so I believe that everything is spiritually connected, but I think it's easy to lose sight of that when it comes to money.  This book proved to be a good refresher.  Everything from our earliest memories of money, to how we view money, to how we treat it (even in such seemingly trivial matters as how we line it up in our wallets) to how much and with what attitude we give to others.... it's all connected, and it's all important.   Every bit as important - if not moreso - than paying your bills on time.

If you've read it already, it's a good one to re-read.  If you haven't, put it at the top of your next library list.

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